Payment Terms (For Clients)

Updated on October 10, 2021

We use our Payment Terms to outline how, when, and by what method(s) our customers or clients can make payments. Before your project can commence, you must meet the Payment Terms on our invoice(s).

Our payment terms are transparent, thus making it easy for you to understand our billing process.

Components of the Terms of Payment

  1. An invoice issued date: The date your invoice was created
  2. Amount due: Total amount due for payment
  3. Invoice due date: The latest date when payment or deposit must be made before your invoice is considered overdue.
  4. Advance fee: Where applicable, it means the sum which you need to pay upfront before your project can commence.
  5. Payment Information: A list of supported payment methods and details to pay into.

How do I find the Payment Terms?

Please check the footer on your invoice. Payment Terms are always appended to the footer of every invoice sent.



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