Types of Employment Contracts Supported By Branditechture

Updated on August 4, 2021

Employment contracts are not just a legal requirement, but they’re also extremely beneficial to the relationship binding you and Branditechture  as an employee.

Branditechture operates two main types of contracts, viz;

  1. Permanent (Full Time)
  2. Fixed-term

NOTE: It is important to make sure that the contract type you choose aligns with what is shown on your job description.

Permanent (Full-Time)

A permanent full-time employment contract means you will be working at regular business hours. Working hours would be clearly stated in the job description prior to your application, but here is a recap; 

Mon - Thur: 8A.M - 6P.M
Friday: 8A.M - 4P.M

During these hours, you MUST always be available and reachable via e-mail, phone, Trello & Slack. Repeated abuse of this term would lead to the cancellation and forfieture of your contract.

If you wish to discontinue your contract, you will need to meet the conditions stated in the Contract Cancellation Clause in the Offer Letter issued to you after your job application is approved.

Fixed-Term Contract

In a fixed-term contract, the agreement between you and Branditechture remains valid for a specified amount of time or upon completion of a defined and scoped piece of work as described in the job description prior to your application.

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